Health and Fitness: Diabetes solutions

Tips On Controlling Diabetes With Diet And Exercise

Type 2 Diabetes - 4 Foods That Send Blood Sugar Soaring
In your quest to help manage and control your Type 2 diabetes and blood sugar levels, it's important you fully educate yourself on which foods will help you maintain stable blood sugar levels, which foods must be eaten with other foods to keep your blood sugar balanced, and which you should just avoid at all costs. While combining any food with a healthy fat and/or protein rich food will lower the release of sugar into your body so can help you manage your blood sugar better, there are certain foods that even then aren't ideal.
Type 2 Diabetes - A Neuropathy Medication May Help With Chronic Kidney Disease
Pentoxifylline is often used to treat diabetic neuropathy, a complication of Type 2 diabetes, usually described as numbness and a feeling of pins and needles in the feet. It works by helping red blood cells to enter tiny blood vessels, or capillaries, in the limbs. According to new research reported on in the Journal of the Society of Nephrology in July 2014, the drug could also find a place for treating diabetic kidney disease. Kidney disease is the leading cause of kidney failure in the United States. Over 35 percent of adults with Type 2 diabetes have chronic kidney disease, which means the kidneys do not filter water and waste products out of the body well enough...
Type 2 Diabetes - The Top 4 Reasons Some People Never Succeed With Weight Loss
The obesity epidemic in the United States is one of the reasons the incidence of Type 2 diabetes has doubled in the past decade. And the incidence, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is highest in the states where obesity is highest. Looking to lose weight so you can take control over your blood sugar and risk for Type 2 diabetes? Or, perhaps the disease is already a part of your life and you are simply looking to manage it as best as possible.
Top 5 Foods That Cure Diabetes
These 5 foods that cure diabetes which can be easily found around the house or at the nearest grocery store can cure type 2 diabetes only. Unlike type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes is incurable and is not preventable. In spite of this, these 5 foods can still provide some benefits for those with type 1 diabetes by helping to keep complications associated with type 1 diabetes to a minimum.
Type 2 Diabetes - Health Food Profile for Watercress
Everyone knows an apple is a better snack than potato chips but there are many foods that can help you improve your health by lowering your blood sugar levels and your weight. There are actually many foods with a great capacity for improving your overall health in several ways, helping you to reverse your Type 2 diabetes. One food you may never have given much thought to in your quest to have lower blood sugar, despite hearing about it, is watercress.

Type 2 Diabetes - Will Diet Pills Take Your Problems Away or Add to Them?
As a Type 2 diabetic, you are aware losing weight can help you better manage your diabetes and your overall health. Losing even a little weight has been shown to improve blood sugar levels and lower blood sugar levels means more weight loss. And by returning to a healthy weight along with following a healthy eating plan, you may find you have reversed your Type 2 diabetes. But, losing weight isn't easy. Many people who struggle with weight loss may consider diet pills as a way to help them lose weight. But, do weight loss pills work? And are they safe for diabetics?
Type 2 Diabetes - Is the Waist Measurement Before Conception a Predictator of Gestational Diabetes?
Gestational diabetes starts during pregnancy, especially in women over age 25. Being overweight is a risk factor. This form of diabetes usually begins in the second trimester and is associated with preeclampsia, a dangerous condition characterized by high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy. With treatment, Gestational diabetes usual resolves after the birth of the baby, although both mother and child will have a greater risk for developing Type 2 diabetes later in life. Children born to mothers with Gestational diabetes are at risk for being born overly large leading to cesarean deliveries, birth injuries, obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Prevention of Gestational diabetes should actually begin before conception.
Type 2 Diabetes - Is Chromium Able to Improve Your Insulin Sensitivity?
You may have heard recent news that chromium is one of the most useful trace minerals for Type 2 diabetes because it helps turn carbohydrates into energy. Chromium, one of the essential minerals our body needs, has been researched in several studies to find out more about this health claim. If chromium does have this effect, it could greatly help to prevent and treat Type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes - A New Class of Antidiabetic Drugs
The newest class of antidiabetic medications is called the sodium-glucose cotransporter 2, or SGLT2, inhibitors. It includes - canagliflozin, empagliflozin, and dapagliflozin. The SGLT2 inhibitors. They work by increasing the amount of sugar excreted by the kidneys. In 2013, the US Food and Drug administration (FDA) and the Australian Department of Health approved the use of canagliflozin, or Invokana, for use in adults diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. It has been used in Europe since 2011. In April 2014 reported a study that combined four earlier studies on canagliflozin and evaluated their results as one large study.
Type 2 Diabetes - More Information on Understanding Nutrition and What's On Your Plate
Learning more about nutrition can help you better manage your Type 2 diabetes. In a previous article, I talked about the macronutrients: fat, protein, and carbohydrate. These nutrients all play an important role in your body, allowing you to grow, maintain and repair tissue. Here is an overview of what each nutrient is, and what it does in your body. If you have Type 2 diabetes, you likely hear a lot about carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the body's major source of energy. They are used by the body to fuel the brain and muscles. This is why low blood sugar can cause mood changes and difficulty thinking.
Type 2 Diabetes - Risk Factors for Developing Blood Sugar Disease
Did you know many people are at risk for 'blood sugar disease' and don't even know it? Blood sugar disease is a term often used to describe diabetes or prediabetes. Both of these conditions can be treated more easily and even reversed if they're caught early on. But many people don't know they are at risk for developing these conditions, so they never get tested. Some of the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes are modifiable, while others aren't. Risk factors that can't be changed are...
Type 2 Diabetes - Why Do Many Diabetics Choose to Ignore Their Disease?
Are you living with or caring for a person with a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis who isn't taking care of themself? If can be worrisome to see someone you care about ignore their disease while their health continues to decline. To best help your family member to start paying attention to their Type 2 diabetes and any complications they may be experiencing, it can be helpful to first understand why Type 2 diabetics may choose to ignore their condition. It can be very difficult for someone to accept they have diabetes when they're first diagnosed. There are a few different reasons...
Type 2 Diabetes - Ginseng Root in the Treatment of Diabetes
Ginseng root is an ancient Chinese and Korean herb used for a variety of ailments. Lately, it has shown promise for lowering blood sugar levels in people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. In the month of July 2014 Alternative Medicine reports a study on blood sugar levels in those Type 2 diabetics taking fermented red ginseng...
Type 2 Diabetes - Will Using Insulin Help Rest and Repair Your Pancreas?
If you have recently received a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, you may have heard of using synthetic insulin via injection for a short period of time to rest your pancreas and help in its recovery. As well, using insulin will help you take control of your blood sugar and then you can go off of it and your pancreas will be "rested" so it will be healthier, and you'll be able to control your blood sugar without using insulin.
Healthy Eating for Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes occurs in women during pregnancy. It happens because the changing hormone levels in the body have altered the body's requirement for insulin. Gestational diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born. However it does increase the risk of getting type 2 diabetes later in life.
The 411 On Cinnamon And Diabetes
Many diabetics have asked the question "does cinnamon help diabetes?" as this seems to be one of the common natural remedies that seems to be floating around. This article seeks to understand the relationship between cinnamon and diabetes and the rationale as to why cinnamon is usually recommended for diabetes.
Diabetes and Mouth Diseases
People with poorly-controlled diabetes are more susceptible to mouth diseases such as cavities, gum diseases, oral infections and chronic bad breath. Here is an overview of the various diseases of the mouth that can plague some diabetics.
Type 2 Diabetes - Are Diabetics Susceptible to Developing Shingles?
It is known having Type 2 diabetes affects the immune system, making diabetics susceptible to many different types of infections. In June 2014, the medical journal Infection reported the results of a study carried out on shingles, which is also known as herpes zoster, in people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes - How Much Physical Activity Is Effective in Diabetes?
In 2005 the American Diabetes Association recommended people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes get at least 10 metabolic equivalents (METs) per hour per week of physical activity, and announced more than 20 would be even better. The article making these recommendations was published in the journal Diabetes Care, under the title, Make Your Diabetic Patients Walk.
Type 2 Diabetes - 3 Must-Read Food Label Tips
In your dreams what do you want to weigh? Do you want to lose weight, or stay at your present weight and just lower your blood sugar? Changing what you eat is the best and safest method ever devised for controlling blood sugar and Type 2 diabetes. As you go about your grocery shopping for foods you now plan to include in your healthy eating plan, it's vital you take a good look at the food label so you know precisely what you're putting into your body.
Food, Fat People and Diabetes in America
68.5% of American adults are overweight and of that number, 34.9% are obese, why? Because everything Americans do is sitting. Americans drive everywhere and the where ever they go, they just sit around. In generations past, we had no cars. Cars and the car culture have created a fat America. This car culture coupled with the fast food culture has had devastating effects on America and the increases in diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Type 2 Diabetes - 5 Things to Look For When Purchasing Protein Powder
Once you have been diagnosed as having Type 2 diabetes, you should be referred by your doctor to a registered dietitian or a nutritionist to help you understand more about the foods you should eat and help you plan your meals. You body is unique and reacts in a distinctive way to food choices. You should use what you already know and what you can learn from a nutritional specialist so you know what to choose to eat. One of the areas you may need help with are supplements. While there are a number of gimmicky supplements out on the market that you want to be sure you are staying away from, one product definitely worth investing in is protein powder.
Type 2 Diabetes - Understanding What's On Your Plate Helps Control Diabetes
No matter who you are, what you eat is very important. And as a Type 2 diabetic what you eat directly affects your blood sugar levels and your weight. Controlling what and when you eat is the most important part of your self-management, whether your aim is to lower and control your blood sugar or lose some weight. You likely hear a lot about carbohydrates, but fat and protein are also important. If you feel a little confused by all the nutrition information you're receiving, here is a brief overview that will help you understand exactly what it is that's on your plate.
Type 2 Diabetes - Knowing Your Amino Acid Levels Could Help Predict Heart Disease
Heart and blood vessel disease are amongst the worst complications of Type 2 diabetes, and are serious health issues the medical profession would like to be able to predict early in the course of their development in order to prolong the lives of their patients. Investigators at Shiga University of Medical Sciences and various other centers of research in Japan, looked at the amino acids in the blood of hundreds of participants to learn whether measuring any particular molecules could give a clue as to who might be in danger in order to be able to take preventive action.
Type II Diabetes Trends, Causes and Alternative Solutions
Type II Diabetes. What you should know, the real causes, trends and how to treat and possibly reverse it.
Are You in Danger of Developing Diabetes II?
Diabetes II is one of the most common diseases in the world, with over 390 million people now suffering from it. Indeed, over 20 million Americans also have the disease, with another 40 million having pre-diabetes II (and many of them don't know it). Serious problems that can arise from the disease include heart attack, stroke, blindness and kidney failure.
Raising the Bar: Why Increasing Normal Blood Sugar Numbers Is Bad
There has been talk of raising the normal blood glucose range to 140. I think this is a bad move, as it will give false hope and worsen health. The reason for the increase and other health benefits are detailed.
Type 2 Diabetes - The Best Beverage Swaps to Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels
When looking for reasons for the increase in being overweight or obese, and Type 2 diabetes, experts point to: increasingly sedentary lifestyles, the huge portions on our plates, and sweetened beverages - juice drinks, flavored milk, sodas and many other sugary drinks. With Type 2 diabetes, its more than just a weight issue - unhealthy fluids will send your blood sugar level soaring. As you go about making changes in your eating plan to help you better manage your Type 2 diabetes and blood sugar, you need to make sure you are paying close attention to the beverages you're consuming on a day-to-day basis. Take in the wrong beverages and you'll get sugar and calorie overload, which is clearly not going to be helpful in any way for you to manage your blood sugar level. Let's go through a few of the wisest beverage swaps you can use to keep your blood sugar in check...
How To Lower Your Risk Of Diabetes Complications
Diabetes can give rise to some very dire medical complications. However you can avoid these horrendous consequences by taking control of your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is not difficult. Here's how.


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